Abstract Landscape Artist based in Bredon, Worcestershire

Mixed Media on Paper 8"x12" Karen Fitzpatrick

Mixed Media on Paper 11" x14" Karen Fitzpatrick

Abstract Landscape Artist based in Bredon, Worcestershire
Karen Fitzpatrick
Abstract Landscape Artist
My paintings are an expression of a personal emotional response to a particular time, place, or feeling. Growing up in South Wales I developed a love of landscape and nature and a few years ago was lucky enough to move near the Cotswolds.
I currently work from my home studio in the lovely village of Bredon. I often feel a spiritual connection with nature especially when walking on Bredon Hill. This connection draws me in and compels me to paint. I enjoy using mixed media on canvas or paper. My intention is to create an essence of a moment, evoke a sense of the elements, capture a fleeting glimpse of a colour, or give an impression of shape and pattern in the ever changing landscape.
Colour, marks and texture are important to me when conveying ideas and I enjoy the organic, creative journey of painting. When starting a new piece, I begin with initial unbounded strokes of intuition and spontaneity. I then use paint, collage, inks, and pastels; layering colours and stripping back areas to reveal hidden glimpses from beneath.